Since the dawn of ‘the organisation’, employers have faced the challenge of engaging and getting the most out of employees. Employees are just people after all, and people have complex needs.
In fact, so do organisations. That’s where the psychology comes in.Organisational problems that we typically address are:
Replacing employees can cost as much as £30k according to recent research. That’s before you consider non-financial impact such as poor productivity in the weeks before departure and the disgruntled team who have to make up for it.
Employees who are disengaged are more likely to leave and are much less productive. Happy employees take less sick days, are more productive, make better decisions and find solutions rather than complaining.
Remote or new teams need to get to know each other quickly. 73% of incidents happen on a flight crew’s first day flying according to the US National Transportaion Safety Board. A dysfunctional team can be extremely costly.
According to the Health and Safety Commission, in 2013/14 a massive 11.3 million working days in the UK were lost for stress, depression or anxiety. Imagine the saving if only 1% of people had learnt to think in a more resilient way.
With staff costs as one of your biggest organisational outgoings, a recent finding shows that improving the efficiency of 20 project managers would result in a per week saving of 1500 hours across a single business.
Grievance claims are another avoidable cost that your businesses can incur. A survey of UK businesses from 2010 shows that workplace conflicts cost up to 24 Billion pounds annually.
Poor line management has been cited as the number one reason why staff leave their jobs. This can be easily prevented with manager training where they focus on enabling their teams to flourish. Findings have shown that poor relationships between mangers and employees make up 77% of conflict within the workplace.
Most likely, you are someone who is familiar with some of these issues - maybe you work in HR, L&D or run a company that is suffering from these problems. The good news is (and in positive psychology, there is always good news), we can probably help you fix them.
We take a comprehensive and informed approach to solving workplace problems, based on cutting-edge positive psychology. We believe in prevention rather than cure.
All of our experienced trainers are qualified in positive psychology and are certified in the Flourish at Work tool. Psychology is at the heart of workplace problems because people are your business. You know what they say; your company is only as extraordinary as your people.
Learn more about our training packages or book a call with us to talk more about what challenges you're facing or how we could work together.
Protect. Enable. Strengthen. Flourish. Your business is in their heads.