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Do You Take Sugar?

Do you lead a Learning and Development team? Are you looking for a fab new provider who uses a different approach?

Employee engagement

6 Ways to Flourish at Work

Research has shown beyond reasonable doubt that having engaged employees boosts a business's profit, but what does it means to be 'engaged'? It is often defined by whichever survey is current, or simply the one you choose to use.

Employee engagement

Happiness at Work - Possibility or Pipe Dream?

We attended a Happiness at Work? Seminar at Cass Business School last week.

Employee engagement

Practically Positive Featured on Management Today

Practically Positive gets featured in Management Today.

Employee engagement

What if money didn't matter?

What if money didn't matter? Take 3 minutes to watch this and tell us what you think.

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5 Ways you can Achieve Flow 18 April 2018, 00.00 Sharon
5 Ways you can Achieve Flow
Often described as a state of mind in which you can experience total immersion and involvement in what you’re doing, where things happen effortlessly and time disappears, flow is what athletes often call “being in the



Protect. Enable. Strengthen. Flourish. Your business is in their heads.