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Money Can’t Buy You Happiness? New Research Says Otherwise

How often have you heard the old adage ‘money can’t buy you happiness’ and thought “I bet it could”? I know I have several times. Well it turns out we might have been right.

Well being

International Day of Happiness and Beyond


The UN created the International Day of Happiness in 2013 – celebrated on 20th March each year. It’s not just a day for us all to do our best to be happy, or make others happy. It’s much more than that, and in 2015 the UN launched 17 ‘Sustainable Development Goals’ focusing on essential components of happiness and well-being: an end to poverty, the reduction of inequality, and the protection of our planet.

Well being

Spring = Optimism and New Beginnings


Spring is the season when new growth begins and changes happen all around us. The days are longer and brighter, they are starting to get warmer – although not today, it’s freezing out there! – snowdrops, daffodils, and crocuses are starting to bloom and our emotions are lifted.

Well being

Is Happiness Really Overused and Overrated?

Coke Happiness

Is Happiness Overrated?

A couple of weeks ago I read that the new global vice-president of creative, connections and digital at Coca Cola, Rodolfo Echeverria, said “What I can say about ‘Open happiness’, and happiness as a concept, is that it’s overused," he said. "Everything is about happiness – there are so many books about happiness, there’s Pharrell’s ‘Happy’. Happiness is an over utilised word in current, contemporary culture."

Well being

Why do we grieve when celebrities die?


Grieving Celebrities

We’ve lost some huge celebrity names in the last few weeks. It all started when Motorhead singer Lemmy Kilmister died of cancer at 70 on 28th December. And then it seemed we couldn’t switch on the news or check social media without hearing that another well-known person had died; Natalie Cole, David Bowie, Alan Rickman, Dan Haggerty and Glen Frey, all gone suddenly and all too young. Each one led to a flurry of coverage and an outpouring of accolades and love from other celebrities and ‘ordinary Joes’ alike.

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5 Ways you can Achieve Flow 18 April 2018, 00.00 Sharon
5 Ways you can Achieve Flow
Often described as a state of mind in which you can experience total immersion and involvement in what you’re doing, where things happen effortlessly and time disappears, flow is what athletes often call “being in the



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