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Best of 2012


Well being

The Olympic Effect on Your Goals


Recent research shows watching Bradley Wiggins and other Gold Medal winners can help you reach your goals too – even if they're not related to sport.

Well being

Thoughts vs Behaviour: A Chicken and Egg Problem?


I've just read Professor Richard Wiseman's article on turning the 'think positive' mantra on its head. The main idea of this (and his new book I believe) is to change your actions first, not your thoughts and feelings – i.e. 'fake it til you make it' as one of the comments on the article puts it.

Well being

More practical than positive


The Story

The other day I was feeling really miserable. I don't know why, though it was 'blue Monday' as it happens (but judging by the research I don't think it was related).

Well being

The perfect Christmas present


The Story

It's that time of year again. Ever heard things like this? "He wants one of these but it costs £90", or "Will they think that's enough? It looks less than they'll spend on me" or "I've got to get something for her..." as you try to convince yourself that they really do need a set of silver-plated sport-themed bottle stoppers, or another set of placemats.

Well being

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5 Ways you can Achieve Flow 18 April 2018, 00.00 Sharon
5 Ways you can Achieve Flow
Often described as a state of mind in which you can experience total immersion and involvement in what you’re doing, where things happen effortlessly and time disappears, flow is what athletes often call “being in the



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